Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Twitter Tree Wednesday 10-27-2010

Welcome to the Twitter Tree!


Here is a list of three twitter ready items that I would like for you to tweet for me.

You may tweet one or all of them. (And if you would like you may pay it forward by tweeting items in the comment section below)

You post the item(s) you tweeted for me along with your twitter account so I can follow you, and list 1-3 items (clickable links, Twitter Ready please) from any of your online shops that you would like for me to tweet for you. ( No "mature" items, please). Be sure the item is twitter ready. (Please include a description, not just the link)

I will post when I have tweeted for you.

The Twitter Tree will be hosted by a different shop each business day.
Be sure and stop by and be a part of the twitter tree each day. We will promote this way until mid-December and then take a one month break.

Here are my Items of the Day!:                                                                           

Monday, October 25, 2010

Creating Cabs custom book on Shutterfly

I created a book on how I cut stones. I thought this would be a good idea to show people how I cut cabochons rather than trying to explain the process in abstract.

My husband helped me create this by photographing me at work. I did attempt to link the book so you could flip through it, however I do not think blogger likes the codes from Shutterfly. So anyway, here is the link to my book.

Click here to view this photo book larger

If you are considering making a technique book like this, I will recommend that you create the book using the custom settings.  

I tried the simple book creation and found it lacking.

Oh and if you get a chance, stop by Christiecottage's blog today. She is today's host of the Twitter Tree. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Twitter Tree Wednesday 10-20-2010

Before we start the twitter tree today, I would just like to take a moment to honor the passing of our family cat last night.  RIP

Welcome to the Twitter Tree!


Here is a list of three twitter ready items that I would like for you to tweet for me.

You may tweet one or all of them. (And if you would like you may pay it forward by tweeting items in the comment section below)

You post the item(s) you tweeted for me along with your twitter account so I can follow you, and list 1-3 items (clickable links, Twitter Ready please) from any of your online shops that you would like for me to tweet for you. ( No "mature" items, please). Be sure the item is twitter ready. (Please include a description, not just the link)

I will post when I have tweeted for you.

The Twitter Tree will be hosted by a different shop each business day.
Be sure and stop by and be a part of the twitter tree each day. We will promote this way until mid-December and then take a one month break.

Here are my Items of the Day!:                                                                           

October’s Birthstone is Opal @elunajewelry  #october  #etsy #wwes #fall
Warm Cocoa Pendant for #Fall @elunajewelry  #october #etsy #wwes
The colors of #autumn caught in stone @elunajewelry  #october  #etsy #wwes #fall

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Eureka! Blog and Etsy Together on Facebook......

Facebook fan pages only allow you to import one RSS feed. That leaves us crafty bloggers to choose between our store feeds or our blog feeds.

Today I had a eureka moment. I wondered if I could combine the RSS feeds from my Etsy store and from my blog into one RSS feed and then import it into my fan page....

Hmm it was an interesting idea. So I pulled out my google search and found a way to make it happen.

Yahoo has an application called Yahoo Pipes.

The application is not extremely friendly to use, however it is versatile.  In order to create my new RSS feed, I used the Fetch Feed to download the RSS feeds.

I then connected both Fetch Feed boxes to a Union operator box. The union operator is then connected to a sort operator box, which is connected to a Create RSS feed operator box. This is fed into the pipe output.

Ok that was a lot of mumbo jumbo to tell you the same thing this diagram will show you.

Ok, once I got my diagram finished, I then saved it. I saw option at the top of the page that said "Run Pipe". I published the pipe and then chose the Get RSS Feed. I copied that URL into my Facebook blog importer and Eureka! It took me a few times back and forth before I got the feed to take successfully, but boy am I excited now that I have.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Twitter Tree Wednesday 10-13-2010

Welcome to the Twitter Tree!


Here is a list of three twitter ready items that I would like for you to tweet for me.

You may tweet one or all of them. (And if you would like you may pay it forward by tweeting items in the comment section below)

You post the item(s) you tweeted for me along with your twitter account so I can follow you, and list 1-3 items (clickable links, Twitter Ready please) from any of your online shops that you would like for me to tweet for you. ( No "mature" items, please). Be sure the item is twitter ready. (Please include a description, not just the link)

I will post what I tweeted for you.

The Twitter Tree will be hosted by a different shop each business day.
Be sure and stop by and be a part of the twitter tree each day. We will promote this way until mid-December and then take a one month break.

Here are my Items of the Day!:                                                                           

October’s Birthstone is Opal @elunajewelry  #october  #etsy #wwes #fall
Warm Cocoa Pendant for #Fall @elunajewelry  #october #etsy #wwes
The colors of #autumn caught in stone @elunajewelry #october  #etsy #wwes #fall