Welcome to the Twitter Tree!
Here is a list of three twitter ready items that I would like for you to tweet for me.
You may tweet one or all of them. (And if you would like you may pay it forward by tweeting items in the comment section below)
You post the item(s) you tweeted for me along with your twitter account so I can follow you, and list 1-3 items (clickable links, Twitter Ready please) from any of your online shops that you would like for me to tweet for you. ( No "mature" items, please). Be sure the item is twitter ready. (Please include a description, not just the link)
I will post when I have tweeted for you.
The Twitter Tree will be hosted by a different shop each business day.
Monday: http://christiecottage.blogspot.com/
Tuesday: http://audreyscountrycrafts.blogspot.com/
Wednesday: http://elunajewelry-nc.blogspot.com/
Thursday: http://aneedleinthehaystack-debbie.blogspot.com/
Friday: http://seo-web-pro.blogspot.com/
Be sure and stop by and be a part of the twitter tree each day. We will promote this way until mid-December and then take a one month break.
Here are my Items of the Day!:
Designer Landscape Jasper http://www.etsy.com/listing/60057439/picture-jasper-pendant-deschutes-hand
Mahogany Crystal Silver Pendant http://www.etsy.com/listing/60055573/crystal-mahogany-hammered-sterling
Silver Apatite Pendant http://www.etsy.com/listing/38810826/apatite-hammered-sterling-silver-pendant