Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Twitter Tree Wednesday 5-04-11

This wonderful idea was started by ChristieCottage and has already brought in sales and promotional opportunities to those involved.  Remember “A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. Francis Bacon. ”  I saw that quote posted on Twitter and it seems to fit the idea, so let us create more opportunities to be seen.
The Twitter Tree will be hosted by a different shop each business day.

Here are the 3 items that I would like tweeted today:
twitter account: @elunajewelry
Copper, Brass, and Silver Textured Pendant #bluebird #etsy

Silver and Labradorite Earrings #etsy #bluebird @elunajewelry

Silver Wrapped Labradorite Pendant with Designer Stone #etsy #blue #bluebird

If you follow me on twitter - please let me know. I don't follow everyone back if I don't know who they are :)
The Twitter Tree Instructions:
You post the item(s) you tweeted for me along with your twitter account so I can follow you, and list 1-3 items (clickable links, Twitter Ready please) from any of your online shops that you would like for me to tweet for you. ( No "mature" items, please). Be sure the item is twitter ready. (Please include a description, not just the link and any #hashtags you would like to use.) 
You may list from multiple stores. However please respect other twitters and post no more than a total of three items. 

Some tweeters use applications like Tweetdeck. This application automatically shortens URLs, and has a difficult time distinguishing between hashtags and URLs when they are not properly spaced. Please place spaces between your URLs and hastags. Failure to do so may result in lower views as your tweets may get corrupted in the system.

Check back throughout the day to tweet the other items listed in the comments. To make life simpler for all those tweeting, please add the hashtag #bluebird to your links. This way it will be easier to re-tweet later in the day. Also if you add the #bluebird hashtag to your items, it will give you a random chance to be featured in the #bluebird daily twitter paper. 

By reaching out through our blog and twitter network, we hope to increase promotion for all our stores and hope to gain a new audience and possibly some sales. 
Hope you have a wonderful day and see you in tweetland.


  1. Good morning.

    Giraffes note card #Bluebird #capsteam

    One-of-a-kind glass-tile-pendant-watercolor with geniune diamond
    #Bluebird #Capsteam #gift

    Florida Inlet, Acrylic 6 x 6 inch #Bluebird #Capsteam


  2. good morning

    Nine West small Handbag with a bow

    Tommy Hilfiger Teal handbag

    Crochet hippy bag pdf pattern
    #Bluebird #crochet18purple@ArtFire

  3. I'll tweet a little later

    Personalized Swarovski Crystal Graduation Bracelet #bluebird #jewelry

    Copper Wire Wrapped Jasper Pendant #bluebird

    Pink Shell & Button #Earrings #artfire #bluebird

  4. sorry I did not go on the computer till now, even forgot to do my post!

    I will tweet yours and just list one of mine:

    Knit baby Blanket eco friendly recycled yarn by Sweetybird09 via @Etsy #bluebird

  5. Hi all! Here're my items:

    Glass Bead Earrings Klimt Inspired Venetian by TheMaKuCollection #bluebird

    ON SALE Glass Pendant Necklace Klimt Inspired by TheMaKuCollection #bluebird

    Beaded Earrings Murano Verde Millefiori Tubes by TheMaKuCollection #bluebird



Comments and questions are welcome. Spammers will be deleted and banned from this site.