Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Twitter Tree 7-21-2021



The Twitter Tree© will be hosted by a different shop M-W-F.

Monday: http://christiecottage.blogspot.com

Wednesday: http://elunajewelry-nc.blogspot.com

 Friday: https://www.shadowdogdesigns.com/blog

Only 2 Items per person
Each Tweet must contain the daily hashtag: (check your email)
 Only 2 other Hashtags may be used.
Please include a brief description of your item in the tweet.
Keep your Tweet under 140 Characters (including spaces).
No Mature Items
Tweet Every one’s listings. (It is not fair to others if you do not fully
participate. Team Leaders do watch who is tweeting and who is
Limit of three (3) hashtags. 

Today's Tweeting Items Are:  

New! Adjustable Artisan Sterling Silver Gemstone Rings for Sale by @Elunajewelry https://www.elunajewelry.com/collections/gemstone-rings #Shopping #handmadejewelry #EJWTT

New! Handmade Petite Sterling Silver Gemstone Earrings for sale by @Elunajewelry https://www.elunajewelry.com/collections/artisan-gemstone-earrings  #EJWTT #Shopping #HandmadeJewelry



  1. Raw Edge, #CorrugataBurl Long Dangle #WoodEarrings Exotic Wood Handcrafted ExoticWoodJewelryAnd Hypoallergenic wires https://etsy.me/3kFa2aY #EJWTT @RTobaison @Etsy

    #Tampa Florida Historical Landmarks, 4 cards Assortment 5 x 7 Note cards watercolorsNmore #Gasparilla https://etsy.me/3rnYpGA @RTobaison #EJWTT @Etsy


  2. Good afternoon. Here are my two:

    Who - who loves owl jewelry? These vintage look copper owl earrings w/ Czech glass & crystals are lightweight & fun! https://bit.ly/3ipAfY1 via @ShadowDogDesign #ejwtt #ShopSmall #OwlEarrings

    Not just for Halloween & Day of the Dead: fab rustic boho skull earrings w/ lampwork & crystals that can be worn year round! https://bit.ly/2TfoZEE via @ShadowDogDesign #ejwtt #ShopSmall #SkullEarrings


  3. Hello,

    My posts for Wednesday are:

    Pay in full or in 4 interest-free installments, Knit handmade cotton shawl, The Sunny Days shawl, woman's shawl https://www.andreawagnerdesigns.com/collections/shawls/products/knit-handmade-cotton-shawl-the-sunny-days-shawl-summer-shawl @AndreaDesigns1 #shophandmade #EJWTT

    Pay in full or in 4 interest-free installments, THE BLUE SEA SHAWL , crochet Peruvian Pima cotton shawl, handmade wrap, boho chic, woman size https://www.andreawagnerdesigns.com/collections/shawls/products/crochet-peruvian-pima-cotton-shawl-handmade-wrap-boho-chic-the-blue-sea-shawl @AndreaDesigns1 #shophandmade #EJWTT

    I shared the post on my blog for the extra promotion for all.

    Here is the link:

    “Daisyblu” shop is featured on the Wednesday Twitter Tree blog hop, I made a video. I would like to hear from you, your feedback will be appreciated.

    Thank you!

  4. Love #green? You'll love these striking Emerald Green Hearts Crystal and Sterling silver #Earrings https://etsy.me/3xR0flA via @Etsy @lindab142 #EJWTT

    Ready to start your #Holiday shopping? Sample handmade #jewelry sale event starts July 22 at 6pm https://lindabdesigns.blogspot.com/2021/07/vip-sample-sale-is-in-2-days-720.html @lindab142 #EJWTT

  5. #Christening, Confirmation, dedication, #Sacraments keepsake / personalized memory book. #ejwtt @Daisyblu_Diane
    @etsy https://www.etsy.com/listing/956880195/personalized-baptism-baby-gift-photo?ref=shop_home_active_3

  6. "Words of Wisdom" for newlyweds. Great way to add some #bridalshower fun !
    #ejwtt @Daisyblu_Diane @etsy https://www.etsy.com/listing/761809577/bridal-advice-book-shower-gift?ref=shop_home_active_26

  7. Support This Digital Artist. Check out! Leopard Pattern in Blue Ice and Pale Rose Wrapping Paper (Pack of 5) @Society6Art @society6 @ButterflysAttic #EJWTT #WrappingPapper #SmallBusiness http://ow.ly/sfIy50FAws0

    Summer Fun! Check out Strawberry Time! Beverage Cooler by ButterflyInTheAttic @zazzle @ButterflysAttic #EJWTT #SummerFun #SmallBusiness https://www.zazzle.com/z/avti45t2?rf=238868688126177059

  8. Tweeted and scheduled to here will be back after work

  9. to here. will catch later ones this afternoon.

  10. Wednesday Tweets:

    SUGAR SKULL Multi Color Single Light Switch Plate Wall Decor https://etsy.me/3rqFdYX via @Etsy @clairemdesigns #EJWTT

    WONDER WOMAN Double Light Switch Plate Super Hero Wall Decor https://etsy.me/3BtKa7C via @Etsy @clairemdesigns #EJWTT

  11. Lapis Cross Lapis Turquoise Pendant Necklace Earring Set Stone Cross From RivendellRocksSedona @Etsy #EJWTT #Shopsmall #handmade

    Hummingbird Green Yellow Quartz Pendant Necklace Earrings Set From RivendellRocksSedona @Etsy #EJWTT #Shopsmall #handmade

  12. @hvaradhan, Choice of Swarovski Crystal Cuff in Tanzanite Blue, Madeira Citrine, and Ceylon Blue Sapphire Colors, Silver Tone Cuffs, Crystal Bracelets, https://www.etsy.com/listing/739262595
    $45, #freeshipping, #EJWTT

    @hvaradhan, Swarovski Crystal Bracelets in Ruby Red, Emerald Green and Clear Crystals, Choice of Gold Tone or Silver Tone Bracelets, Gift Ideas, Choices,
    $42, #freeshipping, #EJWTT

  13. Tweeted and pinned. Thanks for your re pins and re tweets. Have a great day

  14. The 20 items were shared on Twitter and Pinterest board Twitter Tree.


Comments and questions are welcome. Spammers will be deleted and banned from this site.