Friday, August 16, 2013

Ramp Up Your Holiday Sales - Week 3

So it is week 3 of Ramp Up Your Holiday Sales.

Last week I was suppose to create an affirmation to repeat daily. While I did create an affirmation last week, I found the one I wrote to be too long and cumbersome. So I re-wrote it this week. I am suppose to be repeating it 25 times/day. I will confess, I am only repeating it about 10/day. But even with that I am seeing a difference in my thinking.

One of the goals set forth in the class is to generate press about your business and your work. Well I am pleased to say, I am attempting to do so, even though it scares me some. Yesterday I sent out my first real press pitch. I have only sent it out to one magazine so far, but for me that is a HUGE step.

I also found a gift guide ad that will run for 6 months, which I signed up for. They will be tweeting my stuff off and on, so it is a place to start.

Lets see, what else........

Oh Weekly Sales Goal.......
I am pleased to say that I have exceeded my sales goal for the week by about 60%, which is fantastic! And that is as of this morning, so there is still time to exceed that!. Overall I am actually about 25% over my goal for this time in the month! So excited.

Ok for those that have been following along, if you have any questions about this, I will be happy to try to answer them, just leave a comment below.


  1. Wow! Congratulations, April! That's great news that you are ahead of your sales goal!

  2. The affirmation is a good idea. Even if it is only to not give up!

    This week I had a sale and it was from twitter. All those RT's of the current giveaway sent someone to my blog, where I had my 2 items fro the Wednesday twitter Tree posted. One of them sold.

    I try to tweet my advertisers daily. I sent myself an email of the tweets to use.

    If nothing else, it helps the shops appear higher in google searches.

    I have made an effort to create many backlinks to mine and others items, even if the backlinks ar to sections.

    I feel confident that sales will pick up by mid-September.

    Have a wonderful day!



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